NZ Bush Bitters was created after being Inspired by the success of Self Heal's European formula, Swedish Bitters. The pharmacological components of Swedish Bitters were analysed and a herbal combination based on NZ bush plants was created.
Extensive tests were carried out on over 350 participants to find out the differences in action of the two herbal tonics.
Added to this, our clinical experience has shown that Swedish Bitters supports normal liver function while Bush Bitters supports normal kidney function.
Both tonics support healthy digestion and respiration.
Bush Bitters is useful for menopausal women and mildly depressed, exhausted or stressed people.
A short description of the classical and traditional uses of the herbs in Self Heal's New Zealand Bush Bitters
HARAKEKE (Flax) Phormium tenax
- 33.3mg - Soothes all types of skin. Supports digestion by easing or aiding motility. Aids mobility of joints. Aids blood vessel integrity. Soothes menstrual function. Can be used as a mouthwash.
KUMARAHOU Pomaderris kumeraho
- 33.3mg - Soothes the respiratory system. Aids the kidneys and the skin. Detoxifies the blood.
KAWAKAWA (Pepper-Tree) Macropiper excelsum
- 33.3mg - Soothes the digestive system, kidneys, bowel, bladder and skin. Detoxifies the blood. Aids the salivary glands and gums. Supports joint mobility.
PUKATEA Laurelia novae-zelandiae
- 13.3mg - Supports a healthy nervous system.
HOROPITO (Pepper-Tree) Pseudowintera colorata
- 33.3mg - Aids the digestive system. Contains polygodial which is active against candida albicans. Known as the "Bushman's painkiller". Can be used as a mouthwash. Aids healthy skin.
KOROMIKO Hebe salicifolia
- 20mg - Detoxifies the blood and eases excessive bowel motility. Aids the kidneys and the bladder.
KOHEKOHE Dysoxylum spectabile
- 33.3mg - Supports the respiratory, reproductive, and digestive system as well as the kidneys and bladder Aids the body's normal response to temperature control.
PURIRI Vitex lucens
- 16.6mg -. Aids back, ankles, throat and the hormonal sy
KARAMU Coprosma robusta
- 16.6mg - Soothes the kidneys and bladder. Aids digestion, especially for the stomach. Aids the body's normal response in temperature control.
KOWHAI Sophora microphylla
- 33.3mg - Soothes the abdomen, throat, back, bon
KAREAO (Supplejack) Ripogonum scandens
- 33.3mg - Assists with joint mobility and normal muscle function. Soothes bowel, throat, kidney, bladder, and aids the body's normal response to temperature control.
In a base of 40% alcohol and 60% purified water.