New Zealand Bush and Herbal Energy Correspondence Course
The New Zealand Bush and Herbal Energy Correspondence Course.
At the completion of your course you will have sufficient remedies as well as the knowledge and practical experience to give you confidence to run your own clinic. In addition you will have knowledge and experience of the healing potential of our New Zealand bush.
What is The New Zealand Bush and Herbal Energy Correspondence Course?
This course consists of ten modules.
Each module consists of a Tutorial and a Practical section that requires about a month of study and application in the use of Homeobotanically prepared remedies.
The course trains the student to become a competent Homeobotanical Therapist.
The final assessment is made through a Discovery Diary in which the student records his or her observations during the entire course.
On completion, the Diary is forwarded to the Assessor and if satisfactory, returned with a written examination (cost $150-00). If inadequate, the Diary will be returned with a written request for further case studies to demonstrate further improvement and understanding before the written exam is forwarded.
This is an open book exam that enables us to be satisfied that you have understood the contents of the New Zealand Bush and Herbal Energy Course.
If you have a Homeobotanical certificate and want to receive discount prices, please write to the NZBHECC PO BOX 67-137 Mt Eden, enclosing a copy of your certificate.
The syllabus covers usage of all Homeobotanical remedies including NZ Bush Homeobotanical, Maori Homeobotanicals, case-taking, prescribing, muscle-testing, dynamic nutrition, drainage and assimilation, basic theory of Homeopathic miasms, herbal pharmacology and many other exciting and fascinating attributes of Homeobotanical therapy.
An Outline of the Modules.
Module one
Explaining the Homeobotanical concept, Clinical considerations, Vibrational medicine, Development of Homeobotanicals.
New Zealand Section
Traditional healing with NZ herbs, Spiritual medicine, The Tohunga, Modern applications, Indigenous medicine, Historical notes.
Learning by practical experience, The Discovery Diary, Homeobotanical remedies A, B, C, D, E, Potentising, Using prepared Homeobotanical remedies, combined prescriptions.
New Zealand Section
Getting started, The green iris, Homeobotanical Bush Bitters, Muscle-testing instructions, Locking in, Assessing the dose Profile five NZ herbs: Harakeke, Pukatea, Kowhai, Puriri, Karamu.
Module Two
Using potentised herbs as food supplements, Nutritional herbs, Dynamic assimilation, Dynamic depuration, Drainage, Developing the Homeobotanical concept.
New Zealand Section
Nutrition and chemical constituents, Heterosides and glycosides, anthraquinones, phenolic Heterosides and glycosides, flavonoids, coumarins, tannins, alkaloids, bitters, terpenes, saponins, sterols, mucilages, vitamins and minerals, Suzanne Aubert.
PRACTICAL TWO Professional progress, Homeobotanical remedies F, G, H, RBD, Mixing and matching remedies.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Paramo, Profile five NZ herbs, Kumarahou, Kawakawa, Manuka, Horopito, Kareao
Module Three
Herbal medicine indications, Nutritional factors, Homeopathic considerations, Homeobotanical considerations, Extended remedies, Integrated remedies, Homeobotanical integration
New Zealand Section
Grasping the Ongaonga, Grasping the Manuka, Herbal medicine indications, Nutritional factors, Homeopathic considerations.
Homeobotanical I, J, K, L, M, ProMyr, Wart, Differing proportions in remedies, Elixirs, lotions and topical treatments.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Marupa, Huango, Wanena, Prioritorising with muscle-testing, Profile five NZ herbs: Kohekohe, Koromiko, Rata, Tawa, Ongaonga
Module Four
Provings, Potency, Subtle energy, Drainage, Homeobotanical dermatology - acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, eczema, psoriasis.
New Zealand Section
Skin and the miasms, The external signs of miasms
Homeobotanical remedies N, O, P, Q, Arnica/Rue, Comfrey/Chickweed, Homeobotanical unguents and ointments, Making creams.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Natanata, Tinana Hau, Rongoa Hau, Karamu, Koromiko, Pukatea, Rata, Tanekaha, Tawa, Kawakawa, Kareao, Harakeke, Preparing blended NZ herbal creams, Making Hapete cream, Profile five NZ herbs, Houhere, Tarata, Pinatoro, Miro, Tanekaha
Module Five
Preparation, Tinctures, Classification: a) Medicinal action, b) Repertory, c) Materia Medica, Modern Classification, Development of Homeobotanical formulations, Principle of homogeneity, Diphasic remedies.
New Zealand Section
Classification, Medicinal action, Herbal definitions, Repertory, Materia Medica, Phytochemical Register, Preparing a herbal recipe
Advertising and Publicity, Homeobotanical R, S, T, Trauma, Herbal Essences Purple Boneset Co, Rose Hip Co. Homeobotanical and Herbal Essence Complexes, Understanding Herbal Essences, Preparation of blended Herbal Essence prescription.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Karana, Whakapai Toto, Waimero, Romino, Houhere, Manuka, Tarata, Muscle-testing for sensitive people. Making Romino cream, Profile five NZ herbs: Pohutukawa, Titoki, Puha, Piripiri, Ti Kauka
Module Six
The discovery of Herbal Energy, Determining the source of herbal energy, Blended therapeutics specifics, Synergy, Quality, Homeopathic reactions, Potentisation, Galenic anomaly, Dynamic nutrition, Acute prescribing, The impossible remedy, The herbal daisy.
New Zealand Section
Determining the source of herbal energy, Blended therapeutics specifics, Synergy, Quality, Homeopathic reactions, Potentisation, Galenic anomaly, Dynamic nutrition, Acute prescribing, The impossible remedy, The herbal daisy.
Legal obligations, Homeobotanical U, V, W First-Aid, The portable clinic, First Aid Kit.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Pain Relief, Mamae, Puriri, Kowhai, Preparing blended pain cream Profile five NZ herbs: Rewarewa, Nikau, Red Matipo, Tataramoa, Makomako
Module Seven
Mental alchemy, Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Nervines, Homeobotanical therapy, Vitamins and minerals, Potions.
New Zealand Section
NZ herbal personality types
Business management and accounting, Homeobotanical X,Y, Z, Polygala, Pau d'Arco, Extending herbs.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Bush Relaxant, Whakaaro, Rewarewa, Preparing a stress remedy, Profile of five NZ herbs: Manawa, Kauri, Taraire, Matai, Puka
Module Eight
Modular medicine and extended prescribing, The core therapy concept, Clinical experience with modular remedies Solutes and solvency, Extended remedies, Single herbs v integrated remedies,
New Zealand Section
Practical application of NZ native herbs
Shelf life and stability, Homeobotanical Cerebra, Dynama, Glandula, Nutria.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Hinu Mahue, Uhumona, Making up prepared remedies from Homeobotanical concentrates, Herb waters, Preparation of a single Homeobotanical prescription, Profile of five NZ herbs: Poroporo, Hinau, Mingimingi, Mahoe, Akeake
Module Nine
Candidiasis questionnaire, General methods of case-taking, Your consulting rooms, Records, Taking the case, Presenting symptoms, Chronic symptoms, Previous treatments, Subsequent appointments.
New Zealand Section
Core Therapy and NZ herbs, Introduction to case-taking, Practical application of NZ Homeobotanicals, Extended remedies "Getting the feel", Cautions.
Homeobotanical Dyrea, Plura, Detoxa, Candi, Combining prepared remedies with Homeobotanical concentrates.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Candida, Mate Huka, Maire Tawake, Kahikatea, Mingimingi, Tataramoa, NZ Repertory, Profile five NZ herbs: Maire Tawake, Kamahi/Tawhero, Kohuhu, Kahikatea, Rimu
Module Ten
Companion animals, Pastoral husbandry, Before your pets get sick, Primary and secondary remedies.
New Zealand Section
NZ bush healing for animals, Talk with the animals, The core remedies, The Maori Homeobotanicals.
Where to from here? Homeobotanical Institute, Homeobotanical Marina, Spasma, Lacta, Emeta.
New Zealand Section
Homeobotanical Paheke, Wai Rakau, Surrogating on animals, The special pet nutrient tonic, Profile five NZ herbs: Manono, Hangehange, Puawananga, Totara, Horoeka.
Herbal Energy Practitioners
On satisfactory completion of the New Zealand Bush and Herbal Energy Course a certificate is awarded and you are eligible to become a member of the Homeobotanical Institute.
Homeobotanical Therapy (Herbal Energy) has always been a core therapy, which means that it is used by all manner of practitioners as the basis of their clinical management.
The remedies initiate the entire healing process and may be used to boost the clinical results of body therapists, psychologists and counsellors, traditional and orthodox practitioners.
Homeobotanical remedies are glycerated herbal tinctures that have been homeopathically potentised.
By blending the various Homeobotanically prepared remedies, individualised treatment is possible for every patient.
Each original Homeobotanical remedy is known by a letter of the alphabet, (A for asthma, B for Blood purifying etc.). The secondary remedies have special names like Cerebra (brain, memory) and Trauma (accidents) to suggest their actions.
The New Zealand bush remedies may be used to support and extend the original Homeobotanical remedies or they may be used on their own.
Dynamic Assimilation
Every Homeobotanical (Hb) remedy contains botanical nutrients that have a specific affinity for one ORGAN or SYSTEM.
During the preparation of the Hb remedy, these nutrients are potentised to facilitate absorption. Given with an appropriate nutritional programme, the action of Homeobotanicals is to modulate assimilation of nutrients at a cellular level.
Activated Depuration
First remove the CAUSE.
Homeobotanical remedies are active DRAINAGE preparations that encourage depuration of toxins.
By opening up the natural drainage channels of the body, Homeobotanical remedies clear the system of endogenous and exogenous toxins. This purification process releases the natural healing energy of the body.
Progressive Restoration
Maintenance programmes using Homeobotanicals together with appropriate nutritional and lifestyle changes, encourages restoration of damaged tissues.
The combined action of Purification, Assimilation and Stimulation of healing is one of TROPHORESTORATION - the progressive reversal of chronic, degenerative metabolism.
The action is always gentle and safe, suitable for people of all ages.
A whole new field of treatments has developed using Homeobotanicals with animals.
Ironically all the original tests were carried out on humans.
The Homeobotanical Institute was incorporated in 1989 to research and develop the uniquely New Zealand discovery of Herbal Energy - the extraordinary surge of healing power that is released from herbs when prepared in a special manner.
Technical support Current Members have access to Clinical and Technical support through fax, phone or email. There is also an annual Seminar and Workshops. Regional support is available in many areas.
Direct Promotions
The Institute actively promotes Members and their Clinics through regular advertising, an Annual Directory and supporting promotions on a regional and national basis.
Discounted Supplies
Financial Members are eligible to obtain their clinical supplies at a discount.
Professional Insurance
Financial members who hold a Certificate of Herbal Energy or Homeobotanical Therapy (Chartered or not) are eligible to acquire Professional Indemnity Insurance as a protection against malpractice litigation.
Mentor Programme
New and Student Members have a strong support structure to aid their establishment as Practitioners. Colleagues are always there to guide and assist.
Chartering Accreditation
Accredited Members of the Institute have several options available to them.
Professional Recognition
The Institute is a self-regulating Signatory under the terms of the Charter
As you can see by the course outline, there are interesting and exciting concepts and ideas as well as comprehensive practical exercises. During the course you'll be able to see for yourself how the remedies that are supplied with each module gently stimulates the body's healing power.
Observe all changes that you see in your clients and note them in your Discovery Diary.
As the remedies are wide-acting you may be surprised at how dramatically some people improve.
The remedies are safe, simple and effective and what you learn in this course will serve you a lifetime.